Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Awe Matters More Than Quantity

Why Awe Matters More Than Quantity DailyGood.org is a favorite site of mine. It takes life, slows it down, and teaches me how to give it more substance and deep down quality. It makes me ponder my existence. We all need that periodically. Maybe we need it more often than that. This post stopped me longer than most, Why We Need To Cultivate Awe In The Workplace.  dailygood.org/story/1342/why-we-need-to-cultivate-awe-in-the-workplace-homaira-kabir/ Humans crave to be part of something larger than self . . . and once we think about it, we actually call it awe. We teach it to our children, or in many cases, we remember it Awe is akin to soul. I believe that when we sense something bigger than ourselves, when awe stops us in our tracks, we are tapping into our soul. We allow that door to open a tad, letting out emotion  we are often afraid to embrace. As adults we tend to guard ourselves, fearful of letting down the wall. As stated in this piece, when we sense awe, We see our fragility and vulnerability, which gives us a profound sense of humility. We dont like feeling fragile or vulnerable, and all too often, we let that fear inhibit us in how we write, how we publish, and how we market ourselves. Yet, we are in awe of those authors who dare to write a daring tale, expose their inner thoughts, and throw themselves before the publics eye. And the author who writes the memorable story is revered more than the author who wrote 15 stories and made money, though we cannot recall the characters. We should strive to be in awe of our work, and awe-struck

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