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Education Essay - 1297 Words

Tabitha Johnson Professor Penner English 1551 February 21, 2011 Education Essay Everyone would agree that education is a fundamental way of life. A means to learn something new. It’s intention is to mentally, physically, and emotionally benefit the person by putting them in a better place then they were previously in before. From the beginning of times people have relied and survived on past educators. There are many people that contribute to a individuals education. Starting off as a young child most of the information retrieved comes from home through parents, and loved ones. As they move into adolescents learning is obtained from multiple people including teachers, friends, and even through their surroundings. An ideal†¦show more content†¦Also, by putting the teachings into action and letting the children practice fun ways to create healthy dishes with their classmates and absorb an important lesson. So many people eat the wrong foods and suffer tremendously because, they are not educated on the proper foods to consume. S tudents need to be aware what can happen if they make poor eating choices, and how junk food effects not only their health and weight, but also their mental capability’s as well. Good eating habits need to be exercised in the lunchroom, as well as the classroom to be fully educated in nutrient. Physical fitness is equally important when speaking upon education. With computers and video games on the rise, it is more likely in today’s society for a child to be sitting in front of one of these devices, then it is for them to be playing outside. While these machines can be great educational tools and stimulate the mind, they do nothing when it comes to physical fitness. Physical education needs to be incorporated in the learning process. Students need to experience the joy associated with exercise. Physical education classes today are either limited or almost non-existent. Students should have a set time everyday for physical education. This will help fight obesity and p romote healthy-living. Students need to be exposed to physical hard work and know that it pays off. The rewards associated with physical education are huge. ItShow MoreRelatedEssay on Education and the Internet698 Words   |  3 PagesEducation and the Internet Due to the expansion of the Internet in recent years, schools and universities around the world have been incorporating more technology into their classrooms. Computers are ever present on college campuses, and many teachers are including them for class activities on a daily basis. With email, a teacher or can be in contact with his or her students outside of the classroom to discuss class work. 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